Secrets of Zynpagua- Return of the Princess…..cont..

Secrets of Zynpagua- Return of the Princess…..cont..

If you have missed the story please read the recap of the book in left hand panel.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Anika meets Vivian.
It was pouring outside but the rain did little to assuage Anika’s upset mood. The re-appearance of Frederick and the familiar painful voice from the Moon contributed in tarnishing her frame of mind. Anika’s mother was very worried seeing her state and took the two girls to join the theater classes. (more…)

Secrets of Zynpagua- Return of the Princess…..cont..

Secrets of Zynpagua…CONTINUES

Secrets of Zynpagua : Return of the Princess

The story continues………………………..

Anika suddenly sat up in the bed and began to tremble. She murmured “Spain? Who is in Spain?” Grandmother looked perturbed and said “Why are you shaking. What is wrong?”
Anika feebly responded “No..Nothing. I am feeling very cold” Grandmother covered Anika with two layers of blankets and said “I am putting off the lights. You must sleep” and then left.
The room was dimly illuminated by the night lamp. After sometime when Anika opened her eyes to check the time, she saw a young boy standing in the (more…)

Best Childrens Books – Secrets of zynpagua – Return of the princes

Best Childrens Books – Secrets of zynpagua – Return of the princes

Dear All,

Thank you for the encouraging response on my blog (best children fantasy books).

Here’s inviting everyone who still have a child in them to swim in the world of Fantasy.

Please join me in the journey of a Princess to discover- ‘The Secret Of Zynpagua’.

Here comes the PROLOGUE

That was the dawn of hope rising bravely from the conspiring night. None imagined that it would be she, who could challenge the time and go back and face the change. Yes no one, but Susainna knew as she descended with hope and purpose —- Her daughter would do (more…)

At times love is arranged: A Short Story

At times love is arranged: A Short Story

Sometimes when cupid doesn’t strike, you have to find the bow and the arrow, stand behind cupid, aim from above his shoulder and hit!!

At times love is arranged.

Destiny got Monica, koyal and Pikoo together to share the same hostel room while pursuing their studies at Pune. Monica is in the third year of law course while Koyal and Pikoo are in the second year of management.  The three shared the hostel room last year and despite the glaring difference in personalities, became a family, each rendering endless support to the new fangled camaraderie.

Monica is a Punjabi damsel (more…)

As Gender bias grew, Economics gave God the solution!

As Gender bias grew, Economics gave God the solution! the-solution

Economics gave God the solution!

This little short story dawned in my mind when I was reading one of the travel books on ancient India. The exact lines stated were ‘cattle and women were the movable properties that men could carry as they moved from one land to the other.’ I felt a surge of temper and my head could sense the tightening of veins. We women feel so deprived and disrespected even now, then what would these cattle equivalent women must have felt? Unfortunately even education fails to change many mindsets for women. Then what is the solution……………Economics and believe me God has discovered the solution!

Here’s the narrative (more…)

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